Traditional Aftercare

After 1 hour or when you arrive at home, wash hands and then wash the entire tattooed area with fragrance-free antibacterial soap and warm/hot water.

Air dry or pat dry with a paper towel. Be very gentle. DO NOT scrub for the entire healing period (at least 2 weeks).

Apply a small amount/thin layer of lotion several times a day. We recommend any quality fragrance-free hand lotion

(Examples: Lubriderm, Gold Bond, Cetaphil, Curél, Aveeno, Palmers, Aquaphor…)


While your tattoo is healing, keep the area clean and apply lotion whenever the tattoo feels dry or tight.
After a few days, the tattoo will form a thin scab over it, and in about a week the scab will begin to flake off in the shower. DO NOT pick or scratch at the scab, just keep it clean and moist and the scabs will all fall off by themselves in about two weeks. Picking any of the scabs off will cause faded color and damage to the skin.

DO NOT submerge the tattoo in water for at least two weeks. (Showers are 100% okay)

Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning lamps. When the tattoo is fully healed, apply sunscreen to prolong the life and quality of your tattoo.

Always consult with your individual artist regarding specific aftercare needs as they may vary from traditional aftercare methods.

477 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29607

Reckless Heart, LLC